Sunday, August 15, 2010

Panty Raid!

Ha! Today I am working on Starlust's panty raid. It's a ton of fun to me, as their's no set amount or place. And it's not just consistantly, into one store tp to the next. It's more like wander freely around the sims to find the clams in all sorts of places. Anyway's I'm off to continue hunting. Just wanted to post a quick note. I plan on doing a look of the day at some point in time today. I'm excited...maybe I'll begin blogging more, yes?

Friday, July 9, 2010


I kind've always want to blog, and then I forget. Just kind've the way things go for me. I haven't done much in SL lately. I bought premium. Therefore, I get 300L a week and a linden home, which of course solves me need for a home. Which for now, is truly just a place to open boxes and get dressed. I've done about a third of one hunt. I used to do hunts all the time, but my inventory massively grows daily, and adding more to it just doesn't seem as wise as it once was. I have tons of well...crap. And I don't really know what I need it all for. I just know that I need. I found a closing sale at a store I had never before today heard of. I felt the need to shop and buy more poor avatar has been wearing the same clothes for a week...with no shoes! Why you may ask? Simply because I don't feel like changing her. However, I'm going to she can wear this new outfit for a few weeks before the urge strikes me again. I have a few places I want to check out, and I've taken a ton of new pictures. On top of now having psp 8 and photoshop cs5. I'd love to open my own store and start designing. But I don't think I'm quite skilled enough for that. Who knows, maybe in the future I'll get there. That's about all I've got for SL. I need to get out more. Maybe see a live show or two. Maybe, I'll hang out at an info-hub and help new users...that sounds like fun. And I've got all the spare resources to do so. Hmmmm......

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Ha! 365 Failure.

I just can't keep up with posting every single day. Just not possible for me. In fact I've taken a pretty large break from SL. I miss it. But I have a lot going on in my RL, and haven't worried much with my SL. So, I've been on SL off and on the last few days. A bit of inventory management, since that sort've went down hill with my break off SL. As well as doing a few hunts. When I first started SL, I really enjoyed hunts. It was a way to get amazing clothing and other things, without having to spend Lindens, which I didn't, and truly still don't have. I thought about just deleting this blog. But sometimes, I do enjoy posting. So I've decided when I feel like posting, I'll post. When I don't...I won't. Not like this truly gets read anywhere.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Day 61

I've been doing absolutly nothing for the past few days. A bit of inventory management. And some working and that's about it. Hopefully, I'll have something interesting to blog about before to long.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Day 60

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Day 59

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Day 58


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